Dr. Habeebullah Life Sciences Limited(formerly known as PC Products India Limited) is a public company traded on the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited(BSE), Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India Limited and Ahmedabad Stock Exchange Limited.
A diversified healthcare company with innovation at its heart, Dr. Habeebullah Life Sciences Limited (DRHABEEB)(formerly known as PC Products India Limited) is at the forefront of research and development in stem cells & regenerative medicine,new drug discovery,RNAi therapeutics, biomarker discovery. The Company was named after late Dr.CM Habeebullah, whose dedication and passion form the backbone of the Company’s core values to provide affordable, world class cutting edge healthcare facilities to all. The Company has been established as an advanced center for research and excellence in the areas of Stem Cell R&D and Therapy, New Drug discovery, Molecular Diagnostics, Stem cell based multi Specialty Hospital and CRO.
All our services adhere to stringent quality systems and meet the requisite regulatory norms, with each department following its own quality control (QC) & quality assurance (QA) procedures.
At HLS, we place great emphasis not only on achieving our goals but also on how we achieve them. Running a responsible, value based business is embedded in our Company’s DNA.